Voter Information

Precinct Committee Persons

Montrose County consists of 21 precincts, and within each of these precincts there are, or should be, two precinct committee persons. A precinct committee person's position has been characterized as "the most influentual political office in the world." A precinct is the smallest political subdivision, and committee persons are the ones leading the activities within their respective precinct. If you would like to know who your particular precinct committee person is, just click on the following link: Precinct Committee Persons.

Following is the Precinct Committee Person Job Description for Montrose County:

1. Attend training for, and then conduct their precinct caucus meetings.
2. Seek and enlist neighborhood volunteers to assist them in carrying out various election duties within their precinct.
3. Maintain a list of all Republican and Unaffiliated voters within their precinct.
4. Assist Republican candidates who visit their precinct by handing out campaign literature and walking with the candidates when asked.
5. Develop and conduct fund-raising events in their precinct.
6. Assist with Party Headquarters activities, fund-raisers, and/or events where we have a Republican presence.
7. Enlist volunteers to serve as poll-watchers and/or election judges during elections.
8. Maintain a positive attitude and encourage volunteers and prospective voters.
9. Be a regular attendee/participant to the Montrose County Central Committee meetings.

If you do not know which precinct you are in, you can find out by going to the Colorado Secretary of State's website as shown below, and inputting your name, zip code, and birthdate. The last three numbers under "precinct" are your precinct number. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Secretary of State - Registered Voter Search 
Find your Precinct Number and Pre-register at