Local News

NOW OPEN! - Montrose County Republicans Headquarters
447 E Main Street
(on the corner of Main & Uncompahgre)
Stop by to pick up candidates' yard signs, purchase merchandise or sign up to volunteer.
See you soon!

Monday-Friday, 10:00am-6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm

Colorado Senate District 5 Candidate Forum
Thursday, October 24, 2024, 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM


Montrose City Council Chambers
107 Cascade
Montrose, CO  81401


Cole Buerger and Marc Catlin will answer questions prepared by the League of Women Voters, as well as from the audience.
Registration is not Required

Vote NO on Prop 131
  It creates "Jungle Primaries"
  • Prop 131 would create an all-candidate primary election where the top four candidates advance to the general election, regardless of political party.
  • The caucus and assemblies for the two main parties would be eliminated and the only way to get on a primary ballot would be through petitions.
  • Prop 131 would deprive voters of a true choice between political parties as two members of the same party could advance to a final election.
  • Political parties need their own primary elections so voters may choose the candidate that best reflects their beliefs, values, and policy positions.
It would install Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)
  • Under RCV, voters are asked to rank multiple candidates rather than vote for a single person.
  • If no candidate wins a clear majority, the one with the fewest first place votes is eliminated, and his or her supporters second choice votes are counted, and the process continues until one candidate wins a majority of the remaining votes.
  • RCV manufactures majorities by throwing out ballots and redistributing votes.
  • It puts a system in place where candidates need not win a majority of all votes cast, just a majority of the remaining votes after ballots are thrown out and candidates are eliminated.
  • RCV has been shown to greatly delay vote tabulation due to the counting and recounting of ballots.
  • RCV requires expensive, taxpayer-funded outreach programs to teach voters how to use this confusing system, hardware and software upgrades, and specialized training for election workers.
Please stand up for free and fair elections in Colorado and vote NO on Prop 131.


From Defending the Republic Newsletter:


  • If you want to save your city…vote for all Republicans.

  • If you want to save your state….vote for all Republicans.

  • If you want to save your country…vote for all Republicans.

  • If you want your children, grand children and great grandchildren to live in freedom….vote for all Republicans.

  • If your JUDGE races are nonpartisan, find out who the Republican Party supports. At this point, vote NO if you are not sure.

  • If you have Constitutional amendments on your ballot, be careful. The abortion amendments in many states are backed by Soros dark money and should be voted against.

  • If there are BOND issues on the ballot….vote NO to ALL of them. Bonds = Taxes. 

Vote early! Many people are indicating there may be massive and purposeful disruptions on Election Day.

At this point, ignore all the polls, the betting odds and the pundits. 

All that matters is to vote!


Catlin for Colorado - It's Just Common Sense(video)
Vote Marc Catlin - Senate District 5 - www.CatlinforColorado.com

Click on image to review all ballot recommendations
Check Your Voter Registration HERE
Be sure your address and information is correct!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: What ‘MAGA’ Means to Me — ‘A Nation Brimming with Vitality’

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who endorsed President Donald Trump on Friday, has penned a note on social media to explain what “MAGA” means to him.

“MAGA” — the acronym for Trump’s iconic slogan, “Make America Great Again” — has been demonized by Democrats. President Joe Biden and his administration constantly attacked what they called the “ultra-MAGA” Republicans or the “extreme MAGA agenda.” On Sunday’s edition of CNN’s State of the Union, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) urged voters to “kill” the MAGA “strain.”

Kennedy wrote:

The phrase has troubled liberals who think it is a call for a return to an America before civil rights, gay rights, and women’s rights. 

But I have a more generous interpretation, one that is truer to my experience of Donald Trump as he is today. 

“Make America Great Again” recalls a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-do spirit, with hope and a belief in itself. 

It was an America that was beginning to confront its darker shadows, could acknowledge the injustice in its past and present, yet at the same time could celebrate its successes. It was a nation of broad prosperity, the world’s most vibrant middle class, and a[n] idealistic belief (though not consistently applied) in freedom, justice, and democracy. It was a nation that led the world in innovation, productivity, and technology. 

And it was the healthiest country in the world. 

I have talked to many Trump supporters. I have talked with his inner circle. I have talked to the man himself. 

This is the America they want to restore.


Now Playing at the Fox Theater, 27 S Cascade Ave, Montrose - REAGAN
Showtimes & Tickets Here
Watch trailer - REAGAN Movie Official Trailer

New Campaign Endorsements for Marc Catlin
In recent weeks, Marc Catlin's campaign for Senate District 5 has garnered support and racked up endorsements!
Read about the full list of endorsements and supporters HERE


A Letter from Marc Catlin,  Candidate for Colorado Sentate District 5
Friends —

My name is Marc Catlin. I’m running in the most competitive State Senate district in all of Colorado. I’m a lifelong farmer, state representative, and advocate for our Western Slope and Colorado River water.

I’ll be honest, after 8 years in the State House, I wasn’t planning to run again. That changed when Senator Perry Will decided not to seek election; I decided there’s too much at stake.

I write to introduce myself, provide some basic information about my race, and ask for your support!

This race isn’t about “I”. It’s about “we”. We need effective representation in Denver to defend our rural values, our agriculture, and tourism jobs. We need to promote our Western Slope water interests and simply fight for common sense.

If Democrats successfully flip this district, they will likely gain a 2/3 supermajority in the State Senate (they already have a supermajority in the House). That means, for the first time ever, they will be able to put any left-wing dream or ambition on the state ballot any time they want.

Think about this—Repeal TABOR? Government-run health care? Eliminate charter schools?

They won’t need to obtain signatures from voters to get their liberal agenda on the ballot.

They can just do it.

This is what’s at stake.

Left-wing interests in Colorado have millions of dollars on hand, ready to flip this district from red to blue.

I need your help! Please CONTRIBUTE today -- $25, $50, $100, anything up to the $450 per person allowed by law – so we can fight back and preserve some balance, common-sense, and rural representation in the State Senate.

In Freedom,

Marc Catlin

P.S. Of 35 members of the State Senate, only 7 represent largely rural districts. We need someone to defend our unique values and interests. I’m committed to making a difference for the Western Slope. Will you join me?  CatlinforColorado.com


Catlin's Funding for Rural Health Care Takes Effect  -   READ NEWS RELEASE HERE


Colorado Freedom Force calls out the upcoming special legislative session as an attempt to do an end run around the will of us voters. Governor Polis, democrats and big business are afraid you might vote to keep more of your money than they think you should. They don’t want to give voters a chance to approve tax cut ballot initiatives in November. So they scheduled the special session to draw up back room deals to protect the government, non profits and big businesses at taxpayers’ expense. Shut down the special session and let voters decide. Click the RINO Watch Report HERE to read the Colorado Freedom Force analysis.



Colorado Senate District 5 is a crucial district for us this year. Since being redrawn in 2021, District 5 covers all or parts of Montrose, Delta, Hinsdale, Gunnison, Pitkin, Garfield, and Eagle Counties. There are 22 incorporated cities and towns in the District including Aspen, Basalt, Carbondale, Crawford, Crested Butte, Delta, Glenwood Springs, Gunnison, Hotchkiss, Lake City, Marble, Montrose, Mt. Crested Butte, New Castle, Olathe, Orchard City, Paonia, Parachute, Pitkin, Rifle, Silt, and Snowmass Village. The office is currently represented by Senator Perry Will, a Republican who is now running for County Commissioner. 

Cole Buerger, a democrat, is running to take Senate District 5 back from Republicans and make the Western Slope woke again. There is nothing remarkable to say about Buerger, other than the fact that he is a progressive who habitually runs for office in his quest to destroy rural Colorado. Buerger ran for CD-3 in the last election cycle, and prior to that overly failed run, he ran for HD-57. Now, Buerger has his sights set on Senate 5, a much more vulnerable seat this year. 

Buerger regularly touts his identity politics, calling Republicans "extremists," claiming that he must be elected to "protect democracy," the same talking points handed down by Biden and Harris. Buerger also creates ads urging voters to elect him because he is gay. Coloradoans have a live and let live attitude, but we are tired of identity politics and DEI-type platforms. We must choose a leader who has the experience and resolve to work for Coloradoans, not for progressive special interests and Jared Polis. 

Marc Catlin is running to serve as the Colorado State Senator for District 5 (SD5). Currently, Marc Catlin serves as the State Representative for House District 58. Representative Catlin is currently serving his second year of his fourth term. Marc was born and raised in Montrose, Colorado, where he has spent most of his life on the family farm. The 5th Senate District has always been his home. 

When he is elected to this position, Rep Catlin will make our roads and transportation infrastructure a priority during this term in office. As State Representative, he sponsored several bills that improved Colorado roads and transportation. Rep Catlin has also sponsored several bills that protect our natural resources, especially water. At the Capitol, Marc is known as a "local water expert" and regularly testifies on water-related bills. 

Marc Catlin is concerned about public schools and aims to promote local control as much as possible. In fact, Rep Catlin's staunch belief in local control has been a guiding principle for him at the legislature. He says, "It is not right for the state government to declare unfunded mandates on localities, especially, when the topic has not been heard by the people. We have a very special way of life on the Western Slope and we should do everything we can do to protect it. Local government understands our way of life. They understand what it is like to be a neighbor. It is easier to voice your concerns and perspectives at the local level. My job is to ensure that growth of state government does not encroach on our way of life and on our local control. I will do everything in my power in the state legislature to keep local control – local."

As of this writing, democrat candidate Buerger has outraised Marc Catlin by about $5000, a significant deficit for such a vulnerable seat. If you can donate to Marc Catlin, please use the buttons above and below the body of this email. If you can make calls, knock doors, or help Marc in any other way, please respond to this email. 

Thank You for Your Support!

For Victory,
Colorado Republican Party


My Faith Votes - Voter Registration Sunday - September 15, 2024
                    My Faith Votes is an organization dedicated to helping Christians get out and vote. You can help
                    by hosting Voter Registration Sunday at your church. My Faith Votes has created resources for you. 
                    Learn more here.

                           Check out A Christian Voter's Resource Guide from My Faith Votes HERE.

Welcome to our very first newsletter highlight. Today's spotlight goes to Representative Marc Catlin. Catlin was born and raised on a row crop farm in Montrose, and is still actively involved with farming today. The Catlin family raises, Olathe Sweet Corn, barley, pinto beans, and seed beans. Coors barley, onions, and sugar beets have been part of the rotation over the decades of farming. As a Montrose native, Marc is proud to advocate for the Western Slope’s values and culture. Rep. Catlin's work experience in water management, water rights development, and agri-business, gives Catlin a unique perspective on Colorado rural issues. Catlin is a strong voice for the producers of the western slope and believes this is a critical era for water, natural resources, and private property rights.
Construction Bidding Cost Thresholds for Department of Transportation Projects
Signed into Law

Sunset Continue Underfunded Courthouse Commission

Signed into Law

Measures to Incentivize Greywater Use
Signed into Law

Adult Education
Signed into Law

Colorado Water Conservation Board Projects

Signed into Law

District Attorneys' Salaries
Signed into Law

Agriculture and Natural Resources Public Engagement Requirement

Signed into Law
 History Colorado to Dispose of Storage Facility

Signed into Law

Floodplain Management Program
Signed into Law

Water Conservation Measures

Signed into Law

Funding for Rural Health Care

Signed into Law

Annual Species Conservation Trust Fund Projects

Signed into Law

Current Leadership Positions

House District 58 Representative
2017 - Present
Vice Chair of Agriculture, Water, Livestock and Natural Resources Committee
2021 - Present
 Ranking Member of Transportation and Local Government
74th General Assembly
Foreign Representative for Colorado’s Department of Agriculture
Member of Capital Development Committee
74th General Assembly
Member Interim Water Committee
2018 - Present

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

Catlin’s Colorado Water Conservation Board Projects Bill Signed into Law

Governor Jared Polis signed a bipartisan bill in Silverthorne, allocating $314 million for various water projects across Colorado, including significant funding for the Shoshone Power Plant, with overwhelming legislative support and co-sponsorship from both Republican and Democratic leaders.
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Reps. Catlin & Taggart Score Huge Win for Western Slope Higher Education

State Representatives Marc Catlin and Rick Taggart secured significant funding increases for Colorado Mesa University and Western Colorado University through the 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill, ensuring crucial renovations and expansions that will benefit the Western Slope's educational landscape and retain local youth for their higher education.
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Governor Polis Signs Marc Catlin’s Unanimous Graywater Use Bill
Governor Jared Polis signed a bipartisan bill at Colorado Mountain College to incentivize graywater use in new construction projects, allowing for the recycling of water from household activities for non-drinkable purposes, with unanimous legislative support and co-sponsorship from both Republican and Democratic leaders.
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Rep Marc Catlin Makes Colorado History with 4th Appointment as Ag Vice-Chair
Representative Marc Catlin commenced his role as Vice-Chair of the House Committee on Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources, marking a historic appointment for a minority party member to hold such a leadership position. This reappointment underscores his influential role in shaping legislation concerning water, agriculture, wildlife, and recreation, crucial issues for the state of Colorado, particularly the Western Slope.
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Marc Catlin Receives Club 20’s Award for Outstanding Public Service to Western Slope

State Representative Marc Catlin received the prestigious Dan Noble Award for outstanding public service to Western Colorado at Club 20’s Annual Spring Conference, expressing deep gratitude and admiration for the late Senator Dan Noble, whose legacy continues to inspire his work.
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Catlin Reappointed and Reelected Vice-President to Colorado River District
Montrose County reappointed Marc Catlin to the Colorado River Water Conservation Board, where he also secured his fourth consecutive term and was elected Vice-President for the second consecutive year. This follows his pivotal role in the recent Shoshone Water Right Preservation Project, highlighting his ongoing commitment to safeguarding water resources crucial to Colorado's agriculture, recreation, and energy industries.

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Some great newsletters to sign up for:
                            RINO Watch Colorado
                             Defending the Republic


There is a fight underway against Kent Thiry’s proposed Ranked Choice Voting initiatives. The false narratives are many, and they must be debunked. Thiery’s proposed changes will fundamentally eliminate the political parties and the current election system in CO. 
A group of grassroots activists have incessantly worked to create three initiatives (aka “The Good Initiatives”) to counteract Thiry’s efforts: 
Initiative 201: Prohibit Ranked Choice Voting (aka “Instant Runoff Elections) 
Initiative 202: Ballot Access Through Caucus and Assembly Process (Blocks Petition Only Access), 
Initiative 278: Primary Elections for Major Political Parties (Close the Primary). 
Signatures need to be collected from 2% of each of Colorado’s 35 Senate Districts no later than July 31st. We need volunteers to collect signatures in their Senate District. Please contact the Good Initiatives Team to volunteer. We need all hands on deck! 
With your help, these three initiatives will be included in our Colorado Constitution. 
Join this serious effort today! Please help us win by: 
1. Signing all three initiatives (Initiative 201, 202 & 278). Click here for a calendar of events/locations to sign. We need to collect 2% of signatures from each of Colorado’s 35 Senate Districts by July 31st. 
2. Signing up to collect signatures here. 
3. Donating to support printing & delivery of petitions, as well as administrative costs. You can donate here or make checks payable to: The Good Initiatives, 1727 Main St, Box 6067, Longmont, CO 80501 
4. Visit www.coloradocounts.com for further information. 
“How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!” 
-Thomas Jefferson


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